The Australian Services Union is one of the largest unions in Australia representing and advocating for over 135,000 members nationally. 

We are the voice for working people across Australia. Our members work in areas as diverse as airlines, local government, energy, water, transport, social and community services, call centres, IT, transport, office and admin workers and workers across the private sector. 

Whether you work as a casual or permanent staff member, part-time or full-time, in a large or small business— there is a union to represent you, and here it is the ASU.

Our union defends and advances the rights of our members. By acting together, we are in the very best position to protect your rights at work and to achieve better in your working lives. 

We are by your side throughout your working life with expert industrial knowledge and assistance as well as a big range of benefits for members like free professional development and discounts across major brands to help you save.

See on the industry sectors on the right to see if we cover your workplace, or you can contact us here.

Sign up online now or download a membership form here  and enjoy benefits from your membership today. 


The Victorian Private Sector Branch of the union represents people working across a diverse range of industries and professions. We have members in:

  • Customer Services
  • Administration and clerical
  • Legal sector / Law firms
  • Call Centres
  • Airline operations, customer service & ground handling services
  • Airline administrative maintenance, freight, cargo and logistics
  • Technical & IT
  • Airline and travel call centres 
  • NGOs
  • Community & social services
  • Transport, freight and logistics
  • Gaming & wagering
  • Many other industries

Not on the list? Simply contact us to confirm that we can support you.
Call us here: (03) 9342 3300 or email us here: [email protected]

Join now

The Union has supported me and my coworkers in our fight for fairer wages." 
Raj, ASU member



We Won’t Wait

The ASU has been a leader in making workplaces better for those who experience violence in the home. 3/05/2022