Boycott of HP Products

As of: 7/06/24

In 2005, Palestinian civil society called for boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) as a form of non-violent pressure on Israel.

HP plays a key role in Israel’s oppression of Palestinians. HP provide computer hardware to the Israeli army and maintain data centres through their servers for the Israeli police.

ASU Victorian Private Sector Branch has heeded this call and will no longer purchase HP products while they continue to support the Israeli Governments' military operations against the Palestinian people.

We encourage all sectors and members represented by our Branch to consider the impact of their purchases amidst the ongoing conflict.

Our Branch continues to call for a permanent ceasefire, for greater humanitarian aid to Gaza, and for the recognition of Palestinian Statehood.

"I joined the union to ensure that we can have good conditions...the ASU stands by your side.”
ASU member 

Call centres

The Australian Services Union has significant membership in call centres across Australia. 3/08/2022