Keeping Virgin Australia accountable

During our recent bargaining sessions, Virgin Australia committed to introducing a new part-time role called 'Part-Time 50'. It aimed at offering greater flexibility and improving work-life balance for our members.

However, Virgin Australia has not implemented it.

Virgin Australia has campaigned to provide improved roster choices and promote these options outside the bargaining process. These promises must be now translated into reality. Specifically, Virgin Australia has pledged to:

1.           Part-Time Roster Preferences: Allow team members to select a roster pattern that best suits their circumstances. Options include a 4/2 or 6/3 roster pattern.

2.           AM/PM Shift Choices: Enable team members to choose either the type of work (skills) they perform or when they perform it, based on their individual preferences. This includes:
a.            Preference for a specific skillset (selecting your top three skills in order of preference)
b.            Morning shifts (AM)
c.            Afternoon shifts (PM)

We are calling Virgin Australia to meet with the ASU immediately to implement all measures supporting flexibility.

It's time for Virgin Australia to honour its words and ensure all employees benefit from the improved roster choices and part-time opportunities it has been advocating.

We can ensure that Virgin Australia fulfils its commitments and provides the flexible work arrangements we all deserve.

If you are not already a member, now is the time to join. You can join online here:

If you require any support or additional information, please contact your local ASU delegates or ASU organiser.

Get help or have questions?

If you require any support or additional information, please contact your local ASU organiser or the ASU office on (03)9342 3300 or at [email protected]
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To be able to support your partner and be with your little one at such an important time is very special.”
David, ASU airlines member 

Call centres

The Australian Services Union has significant membership in call centres across Australia. 3/08/2022