Morrison fails women with Super 

Date: 08/03/2022

Calls to pay Superannuation on paid parental leave have been rebuffed by the federal government.

The Morrison Government has refused to pay Super on paid parental leave, ignoring calls from Australian women and the advice of their own retirement income review to pay Super on paid parental leave.

For years, ASU members have campaigned for a more equal Superannuation system. Our members have visited Canberra in delegations, rallied, driven online action and advocated in the media demanding Superannuation be paid on every dollar earned.

A key reason women retire with half the amount of Super as men is because they don’t earn Super on every dollar they earn. 

We need a Government who will make sure women don’t retire in poverty. We need to lock in a secure retirement for all women.

Stand up For Super with us, and sign the petition now.

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When it comes to the issues that matter to ASU members, Morrison is missing.

The ASU will not stop fighting for our members for secure work and better wages and conditions - we are by your side. Be part of it.

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"I joined the union to ensure that we can have good conditions...the ASU stands by your side.”
ASU member 

Stand up for Super

Australia’s universal superannuation system is the difference between poverty and a decent retirement for most Australians. 5/08/2022